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This deed of Trust “VANSH SABRE SPORTS FOUNDATION” is executed on this 30th day of October 2021 (Saturday) Regd. Under registration Act 1952 vide no. 320 dated 30-10-2021 by Sh. Kuldeep Kumar Gupta S/o Lt. Sh. Kasturi Lal Gupta R/o 36 Lane No.2 Praveen Colony, Ext Trikuta Nagar, Jammu, herein after called the SETTLOR/ Secretary which expression shall deemed to include their heirs, executors, successors, administrators and assigns etc of the first part.

Dr. Anil Padha S/o Lt. Sh. Ved Viyas Padha R/o 26/1 Ashok Nagar, Satwari Chowk, Jammu Cantt, Jammu hereinafter called the TRUSTEE/ President

Sh. Anil Modi S/o Sh. O. P. Modi R/o H.No. 152 Tangawali Gali Kachi Chawni, Jammu hereinafter called the TRUSTEE/ Treasurer.

Sh. Surinder Mohan S/o Lt. Sh. Bodh Raj Gupta R/o H.No. 783, Janipur Housing Colony, Jammu hereinafter called the TRUSTEE

Hereinafter called “THE TRUSTEES” (which expression shall deemed to include their heirs, executors, successors, administrators and assigns etc) of the 2nd part. Whereas “THE SETTLOR” has established the office one room measuring 10” x 16” of the trust at First Floor on the porch situated at H.No.36, Lane No.2, Parveen Colony Ext. Trikuta Nagar, Jammu, wherein the settler has established “Vansh Sabre Sports Foundation”. Where as the Settlor and other trustees have dedicated themselves to the services and welfare of mankind and are desirous to create trust for promotion of Fencing Game and Promote International Fencer Mr. Vansh Mahajan as icon among the youngster of J&K, for the protection of environment, charitable purposes and other Social Causes. The name of the trust shall be “VANSH SABRE SPORTS FOUNDATION TRUST”

Whereas the Settler and trustees have decided to name the trust as “VANSH SABRE SPORTS FOUNDATION” and word TRUST shall be considered as synonyms of Foundation

Whereas the Settler and trustees do hereby declare that the property mentioned and detailed above is rent free office only and have no right on the said property in any kind/manner.

Further Settler and Trustees, can nominate unanimously Chairman, Vice-President and Joint Secretary to improve the working of foundation.

The settler and trustees hereby further declare that as the Settler and Trustees, the following powers shall remain with them :-

1.  The Settler and trustee may at any time make such arrangements, draw up such schemes and make and frame such rules as they shall in their discretion think fit for the administration management and proper utilization of trust fund and may at anytime amend alter or repeat any of the said arrangements schemes or rules they shall think proper and expedient.

2.  To spread and for achieving the objectives to establish maintain run develop, improve and grant donations in cash or kind and accept the donation in cash and kind. This will assist in the establishment maintenance.

3.  That it is hereby clearly understood and expressly provided that inspite of the fact that any property, land or assets purchased or acquired in future shall be registered in the name of the trust and the same shall belong exclusively to this trust. Any individual person(s) Trustee (s) and their successors, assignees, representatives etc shall have no individual claim, title or right over the same i.e. properties, assets of land etc. Any deed or documents etc executed in respect of the said purpose shall be owned and acted upon by the Trustee(s) as if the same were executed by the Trust itself. The said property if needed shall only be disposed off with direction of the Settler and trustees in the interest of the trust. The present office of the trust is on Rent free only & has no right on the said property in any kind/ Manner.

4.  To take over the management of any other such trust or any public or private institution engaged in the activities falling or connected with the objectives of the trust.

5.  To appoint lawyers, pleaders, Advocates, to file and defend suits or cases, for and on behalf of the trust and or in the name of the Board of Trustee(s) and also file suits and take all the legal steps for the realization and recoveries of amounts of the trust enter into any compromise on the name of the trust with any person or persons, sign all the documents, attorneys, papers, affidavits, plaints in this connection.

6.  To appear, negotiate or deal with the Government or its authorities or any of the departments, to approach the authorities for carrying out any objectives of the trust as may be deemed proper by the Board of the Trustees from time to time.

7.  To appoint, discharge or terminate the services of employees, staff, workers, commercial agents or contractors for carrying out day to day work and affairs of the trust.

8.  The yearly accounts of the Trust shall be calculated on every 31st March, every year and if the Trustees as desire and decide by a resolution that the accounts of the Trust be audited and examined by Chartered Accountant. Such Chartered Accountant shall be appointed or engaged by the Trust for the said purpose and the fees payable in this connection, if paid, shall be deducted from the income of the trust.

9.  That in case of any dispute or disgruntlement amongst the members of the trust same shall be resolved with consent of the majority and none of the member shall have right to raise the decision of majority before the court or any adjudicating body however all the disputes shall be resolved with arbitration.

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"If you wish to know more about us, please feel free to contact us."

  • 36,Lane No-2,Parveen Colony,Extn. Trikuta Nagar,Jammu,180020.
  • [email protected]
  • Fax  0191-2470074
  • Landline  0191-2470074
  • Whats App  +91 9419141001

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